BJD Crushers Ltd has successfully applied its crushing and size reduction know-how to the problems of primary reduction of irregular and over-sized material by developing the BJD 1500 Series Pre-Breaker.

The 1500 Series is a high throughput unit with a 1500mm wide feed opening that will readily accept whole 8’x4’ sheet material. It can be employed as a stand-alone unit to provide finished size product or to work as a feeder to a secondary sizing unit.

The Pre-Breaker is ideal for primary reduction of plasterboard within the gypsum reclamation process. Whole plasterboard is broken down in the Pre-Breaker for screening to liberate particles of gypsum from the paper, or for further processing in a BJD Hammermill or Flexmill Crusher to maximise required fraction. Other applications for the Pre-Breaker include the size reduction of wood-based panels and pallets.

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